Although this photo shoot was a lot of fun, the excitement was all after the pictures were taken. I bought 4 common goldfish; three small and on 5" long. I brought the fish home after 7 days the first 2 small fish died. 24 hours later the 3rd small one was gone.
Then 36 hours later the big one started freaking out. It was swimming in circles ramming it's head into the rocks at the bottom of the bowl. Then it started to jump out of the bowl (luckily it was not successful at getting out). 20 minutes later it was floating at the top of the tank. I was in the middle of doing homework so I was waiting to flush the fish. 40 minutes later the supposedly dead fish was swimming again doing the same acrobatic moves as before. 20 minutes later it was floating upside down at the top of the tank. One hour passed and it was alive again, this time swimming upside down. Then it was dead. I felt like I was in a zombie movie. Afraid that the fish would suddenly come back to life as I was flushing it, I decided to postpone its funeral until the following morning.
RIP: One fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue fish